Frequently Asked Questions
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What are the school hours at Mary Harding School?
The school playground duty commences at 07h30-08h00.
Please do not leave your child unattended before 07h30.
School commences at 08h00.
Late comers should report to the reception with his/her parent.
Parents should drop the learners off in the drop-off zone. The teacher or assistant teacher on duty will take the learners to their respective classes.
The school day ends at 12h00 for the learners on Trip 1, and 13h30 for the learners on Trip 2.
Please ensure that you are on time to fetch your child/ren.
Learners who are not collected on time from school will be referred to the SMT for further investigation.
What are the school fees?
Does Mary Harding School provide bus services?
What are Mary Harding School's banking details?
Does Mary Harding School provide hostel services?
My child needs to get medication during the day. Does the school administer medication?
What curriculum or learning program does Mary Harding School provide?
Will my child receive therapy when enrolled at Mary Harding School?